Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Amendment Freedom Of Speech

Constitutional Connection: First Amendment, Bill of Rights, freedom of speech.
Explanation of Connection:
   In Thomas Jefferson's statement he said "our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost". In my opinion he is saying that freedom of speech is mostly referring to press. Not just the freedom to say whatever you want to say whenever, even though you have that freedom as well. He is expressing how important it is to have freedom of press and that having limited press is just like not having it at all. When a country takes the freedom of press from their people its just like taking away their liberty and freedom. People are entitled to the freedom of the press.
    Theodore Roosevelt said "free speech exercised both individually and through a free press, is a necessity in any country where people are themselves free." I believe that he is saying if you want to have a free country people should be able to say whatever whenever through the press and in just basic conversation. If that isn't the case then you aren't really free.
   The cartoon also suggested the the Generation Y (people born from the 1980's through the 1990's, my generation) doesn't appreciate the right to the freedom of speech.
   I agree with Jefferson and Roosevelt because if people were not able to print whatever they want and how they feel about a certain situation we would not know much about what's happening in our world today. We would be uneducated when it comes to most things. Also if we didn't have that freedom we would be constricted in our everyday life. We would feel caged and like we were being suffocated, and like we had to watch our selves and every word that we said to avoid consequences. I agree with the statement about "generation y" to a certain extent. I don't think we fully appreciate it because we don't know what its like to be without because we really don't have to fight for anything and we weren't faced with the same challenges as the other people and people who fought for the rights we have.

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