Sunday, September 19, 2010

What is Article 3, Section 2?

Constitutional Connection: Judicial Branch. Article three, section one. " The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office."

Explanation of Connection:  The members of the judicial branch are appointed by the president but confirmed by the senate. Article three only supports one Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the highest court that exists. Their job is to ordain and establish which is also stated in the preamble of the constitution. Judges are to keep their jobs during good behavior, we currently have nine, one chief justice and eight associate justices. They can keep their jobs for life, unless they are impeached and convicted, resign, or retire. The supreme court is the only required court required according to the constitution. Their salary can not decreased over the years, yet they can increase according to the ending of section two.

Why is an Executive Branch Important?


Constitutional Connection: Executive Branch

Explanation of Connection: The main duty of the executive branch is to enforce legislation. The executive branch consist of the president, vice-president, the Cabinet, executive branch departments, agencies and the executive office. They all have specific duties though.
The president's job is to sign and or vetoing bills passed by Congress. After the president signs a bill it is his responsibility to make sure that it is enforced. President has to inform people of the law or have the
Cabinet and agency members to create regulations for it. That is to make sure it is enforced properly.
The vice president has to assume the responsibility of the president if the president is unable to and the role of top policy adviser. Vice president is also President of the Senate, meaning he also have to break voting ties.
Executive Office is led by white house chief of staff. They have to inform the media about the presidents plans, and advise the president with national security, intelligence and foreign policy.
The cabinet is to make regulations to implement the laws passed and advise the president on respective offices. The Cabinets departments are Departments of Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, Defense, Education, Housing and Urban Development, the Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Transportation, Labor, State, and Health and Human Resources. The agencies are Central Intelligence Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Our 44th President


Constitutional Connection: Executive Branch

Explanation of Connection: Mr. Obama was elected president of the US on November 4, 2008. He was sworn in on January 20,2009. He is married to Michelle Obama. They have two children Sasha and Malia.  Our forty- fourth president is Barack Obama. He was born on April 4, 1961 to a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas. He was born in Hawaii. He was raised by his grandparents. His grandfather served in Patton's army. After graduating college president Obama moved to Chicago, IL. While here he worked on rebuilding communities  that had been corrupted by local steel plants. President Obama attend law school at Harvard. He became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review while in law school. Mr. Obama is also our first African American president as well. I hope he stays committed and try his hardest while in office. I hope he stats true to our country and fight for us no matter how hard it may seem. So far President Obama has been true to us and has not betrayed us. I know you can't change the world in a day, a month, a year, maybe not even a decade but President Obama seems fit for the job as our president.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

S.1- Senate's bills.


Constitutional Connection: Bills the Legislative branch have proposed.

Explanation of Connection: "S. 1 (pcs) To create jobs, restore economic growth, and strengthen America's [Placed on Calendar Senate] " I believe that this is one of the best bills congress have proposed. Creating more jobs will help US. By creating more jobs they can possibly save more money because they wouldn't have to provide as many people with aid such as Section 8, link, wic etc. They would have to support as many families which can save more money and help rebuild the economy. Not as many people will struggle if they can get jobs. Also the many people who's job was cut can gain another job. The government lose tons of money on unemployment checks and by providing people with jobs can change that. Hopefully this will help us restore the economy. This way people can and will spend more money gaining money for the government. This can help us get out of the recession.

Is Congress just a group of Crooks? Nah, I doubt it.


Constitutional Connection: Legislative Branch.

Explanation of Connection: Congress isn't appreciated by the people. They are constantly receiving harsh comments and jokes. Congress work hard for our country but it takes a long time for progress to occur. We don't know everything that congress does. The media spends too much time focusing on the negatives of congress instead of the positives. Bills are passed but it takes a long time for them to be passed. It is a hard job for congress, they have to come up with bills that will make the US better. Their bills must be thinking about the long term effect not short term. The  people do not try to help congress. We have the Senate there for us. We as a people need to take advantage of that opportunity by writing letters and expressing our thoughts and feeling to the Senate. How can they know what we want if we never speak up and state our opinion, and thoughts for the US. Have this opportunity is a huge privilege that we don't use. We should change that. Our input can help can the world for the better.

Legislative Branch- Why are they still funding the war?


Constitutional Connection: Legislative branch.

Explanation of Connection: We (United States) entered into a war in 2003. We enter due to preemption which is the right of purchasing before others; especially : one given by the government to the actual settler upon a tract of public land. (Merriam- Webster Dictionary). The purpose of the war is to retrieve the Middle East's oil and to spread democracy. Bush led us into the this war without mentioning it to anyone else. He began to send viruses, bacteria, fungi and anthrax to Iraq. Bush stated that Saddam Hussein would bring horror to our people. Hussein had possession over 30,000 chemical weapons, he got this weapons with U.S.A. in mind. Why is the legislative branch still funding the if we were unknowingly led to fight in this war? I do not agree with war unless it is the last result and nothing else can solve a problem. To me war is just a form of legalized murder. Or a legalized gang war. Why hasn't Congress realized that you can render evil for evil, it will only result in more violence. War between countries does not help advance the world in any way. We are in this World together so why not help each other? No single country will be able to fully support themselves. We all need aid, money, food, or whatever to trade. We can figure out a way to get our needs and  helping others as well to get theirs by trading. Bush sending viruses to the Middle East only caused problems for us. Many people have died and we still are fighting. Why won't  Congress take our people out of the war?