Saturday, September 11, 2010

Is Congress just a group of Crooks? Nah, I doubt it.


Constitutional Connection: Legislative Branch.

Explanation of Connection: Congress isn't appreciated by the people. They are constantly receiving harsh comments and jokes. Congress work hard for our country but it takes a long time for progress to occur. We don't know everything that congress does. The media spends too much time focusing on the negatives of congress instead of the positives. Bills are passed but it takes a long time for them to be passed. It is a hard job for congress, they have to come up with bills that will make the US better. Their bills must be thinking about the long term effect not short term. The  people do not try to help congress. We have the Senate there for us. We as a people need to take advantage of that opportunity by writing letters and expressing our thoughts and feeling to the Senate. How can they know what we want if we never speak up and state our opinion, and thoughts for the US. Have this opportunity is a huge privilege that we don't use. We should change that. Our input can help can the world for the better.

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