Saturday, September 11, 2010

Legislative Branch- Why are they still funding the war?


Constitutional Connection: Legislative branch.

Explanation of Connection: We (United States) entered into a war in 2003. We enter due to preemption which is the right of purchasing before others; especially : one given by the government to the actual settler upon a tract of public land. (Merriam- Webster Dictionary). The purpose of the war is to retrieve the Middle East's oil and to spread democracy. Bush led us into the this war without mentioning it to anyone else. He began to send viruses, bacteria, fungi and anthrax to Iraq. Bush stated that Saddam Hussein would bring horror to our people. Hussein had possession over 30,000 chemical weapons, he got this weapons with U.S.A. in mind. Why is the legislative branch still funding the if we were unknowingly led to fight in this war? I do not agree with war unless it is the last result and nothing else can solve a problem. To me war is just a form of legalized murder. Or a legalized gang war. Why hasn't Congress realized that you can render evil for evil, it will only result in more violence. War between countries does not help advance the world in any way. We are in this World together so why not help each other? No single country will be able to fully support themselves. We all need aid, money, food, or whatever to trade. We can figure out a way to get our needs and  helping others as well to get theirs by trading. Bush sending viruses to the Middle East only caused problems for us. Many people have died and we still are fighting. Why won't  Congress take our people out of the war?

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